Creativity is Brand Intelligence Having Fun

Creativity is Brand Intelligence Having Fun

Make Sure You Know How to Engage with People & Their Ideals

A phrase often assigned to the great Albert Einstein (‘Creativity is intelligence having fun’). And in a lot of ways this is how you should also think about your business.

When you have crafted and shaped your products and services, been thoughtful about targeting, media and routes to market then it’s time to have fun with creativity.

This is what Einstein was talking about – creative expression comes from the certainty or understanding of your category to the point that you know it so well you can actually play with it - that’s when you have such confidence you can be inspired by great creative thinking.

Eqco Creative can harness all of that confidence you have in your brand and bring out fresh creative thinking that can be both intelligent and fun.

Unleash Your Brand's Creative Intelligence: Where Fun Meets Strategy

The phrase "Creativity is intelligence having fun," often attributed to the great Albert Einstein, captures the essence of our approach at Eqco Creative. We believe that creativity and intelligence should go hand in hand, particularly when it comes to shaping your brand. Crafting products, defining services, targeting audiences, and devising marketing strategies are essential components of any business. However, there comes a time when it's essential to infuse creativity into the mix, transforming your brand into a dynamic and engaging force.

The Einsteinian Perspective:

Albert Einstein's words resonate deeply with our philosophy. Just as he believed that intelligence can be a source of enjoyment, we believe that your business should be a place where creativity flourishes. Once you've meticulously crafted your products and services, identified your target audience, and mapped out your routes to market, it's time to have fun with creativity.

The Intersection of Creativity and Intelligence:

Einstein's wisdom highlights a critical point: creative expression arises from a deep understanding of your field. When you have a profound grasp of your industry and market, you gain the confidence to play with ideas and push boundaries. It's this confidence that enables you to draw inspiration from creative thinking.

Eqco Creative's Role:

At Eqco Creative, we specialize in harnessing the confidence you have in your brand and translating it into fresh and innovative creative solutions. Our goal is to make creativity intelligent and fun simultaneously. Here's how we do it:

1. Understanding Your Brand: We immerse ourselves in your brand, learning its ins and outs, its strengths, and its unique attributes.

2. Identifying Opportunities: With a solid understanding of your brand, we pinpoint opportunities for creative expression and innovation.

3. Crafting Engaging Content: Whether it's through logo design, brand experiences, web design, graphic design, or video content, we create engaging and intelligent content that resonates with your audience.

4. Elevating Your Brand: Our creative solutions are designed not just to entertain but to elevate your brand's perception and impact.

5. Driving Results: Our approach isn't just about fun; it's about achieving tangible results. We measure the success of our creative endeavors through metrics and analytics.


Creativity is the secret ingredient that transforms intelligence into innovation. Eqco Creative is here to help you unlock the full potential of your brand by infusing it with fresh, intelligent, and fun creative thinking.

We invite you to embark on a journey where creativity knows no bounds and where every idea is an opportunity to shine. With Eqco Creative as your partner, your brand can be a beacon of creativity and intelligence in your industry. Together, let's bring Einstein's wisdom to life and make your brand a place where creativity has the intelligence to have fun.

Eqco Creative

Eqco Creative offer insightful strategy, compelling ideas and crafted design. Based in Bangkok, working globally.

Our Job is to Connect People & Brands


Your Brand Is Not What You Sell