Top 5 Tips for a Brand Audit
Eqco Creative Eqco Creative

Top 5 Tips for a Brand Audit

When was the last time you did a deep dig on the state of your brand? Is it still reflecting your brand persona and pillars? Taking regular stock of your brand strategy as well as your visual assets is a vital part of growing as a business and staying relevant to your audience. Here’s our top 5 tips on how to start looking at your brand constructively.

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Lying to Your Agency is Like Lying to Your Doctor
Eqco Creative Eqco Creative

Lying to Your Agency is Like Lying to Your Doctor

When it comes to your health, honesty is non-negotiable. You wouldn't withhold critical information from your doctor and expect optimal treatment, would you? The same principle applies to your brand's health. Withholding critical information from your agency is like lying to your doctor – it undermines the effectiveness of the treatment and jeopardises the outcome.

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The Ultimate Guide to Branding Your New Business
Eqco Creative Eqco Creative

The Ultimate Guide to Branding Your New Business

Branding is an essential component of any successful business. It helps to establish your identity, differentiate yourself from competitors, and build trust with your target audience. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of branding for a new business, the factors to consider, and why you should consider working with a professional branding agency.

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Kick-Start Your Brand with a Compelling Pitch Deck
Eqco Creative Eqco Creative

Kick-Start Your Brand with a Compelling Pitch Deck

The hardest part of any new enterprise or business start-up is developing a solid business strategy and pitch deck on which you build your plans and to attract investment.

Eqco Creative can help you develop a compelling strategy and deck to take your business vision to a solid level of thinking and creative expression to generate interest.

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Benefits of an Eqco Brand Audit
Eqco Creative Eqco Creative

Benefits of an Eqco Brand Audit

Our clients are always searching for real brand truths:

What do we stand for?

How can we better articulate what our values are?

How do we stand apart against the crowded competitive landscape?

How should our brand shape all of our communications?

You can only articulate what you know and without insights, research and analysis you are guessing or, at worse, making it up as you go.

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Creativity is Only Limited by Thinking
Eqco Creative Eqco Creative

Creativity is Only Limited by Thinking

The greatest way to learn is to be challenged. The small and perfectly formed partners at Eqco Creative can challenge your thinking, your strategy and your business – for all the right reasons.

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