Kick-Start Your Brand with a Compelling Pitch Deck

Calling all Startups, Entrepreneurs, and Investors

The hardest part of any new enterprise or business start-up is developing a solid business strategy and pitch deck on which you build your plans and to attract investment.

Eqco Creative can help you develop a compelling strategy and deck to take your business vision to a solid level of thinking and creative expression to generate interest.

They say you get one chance to make a good first impression, make sure you have the right tools and story to impact your audiences.

The pitch deck is effectively your main company credentials and provides both a summary and details of the business opportunity including market data, future vision, the team and capital requirements. It is often difficult for the core team to rise above the depth and detail of the operational information and requires great storytelling and engaging visuals to tell the story in a simplified and compelling way.

There are two main ways the information can be presented, by a pitch or through the deck. A pitch allows the main team to present the business information supported by the deck content and a standalone pitch deck which can be sent to potential investors and partners and needs to tell a deeper story in the absence of anyone presenting alongside the deck. A small but important difference that drives the content in two distinct directions.

Content is key but also can be helped by defining a clear and well-defined business platform and strategy which makes the positioning clear to the internal team, investors and partners. Our work with clients over the years have helped many companies define who they are and the products they sell in a clear and concise way. You need to create standout and make sure you stand apart from the competition – strategically and creatively.


Problem – Solution – what are you trying to solve with your product or service?

Competitive Advantage – how do you rate against the competition?

Market Data – size, dynamics, scale, opportunity, new sectors, product development.

Capital Requirements / Partners – how much do you need and for what purposes/who is already involved?

Core Team – who is driving this business and operation and their market partners?

Roadmap – how you expect to map your progress, milestones and achievements.

Design – Create the start of your visual identity and define how your target audience will perceive your brand

Make a simple and compelling story – data through visuals and infographics. Easy understandable positioning, strengths and plans.

This is not just a presentation document but should be a correctly branded and designed reflection of your business, plans and vision.

Your future relies on it.

Eqco Creative

Eqco Creative offer insightful strategy, compelling ideas and crafted design. Based in Bangkok, working globally.

The Ultimate Guide to Branding Your New Business


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