Top 5 Tips for a Brand Audit

When was the last time you did a deep dig on the state of your brand? Is it still reflecting your brand persona and pillars? Taking regular stock of your brand strategy as well as your visual assets is a vital part of growing as a business and staying relevant to your audience. Here’s our top 5 tips on how to start looking at your brand constructively.

  1. Do you find yourself comparing your brand to others and feeling you're missing something? If the answer is yes you need to consider what exactly is lacking from your brand. Is it something visual, emotional, a cool factor? Once you identify where the area of improvement is needed you can begin to make positive change.

  2. Have you ever been asked for your brand assets and not had anything to send somebody - just a JPEG of your logo. This is a sign that you need clearly defined brand guidelines. Without it, your branding is likely to spiral out of control.

  3. Do you feel like your brand is visually stuck in a rut? This can be caused by seeing the same things day in day out, so it's not always a sign of problems. However, it is worth evaluating where there is room for improvement, and making incremental tweaks.

  4. Does everybody in your organisation fully understand what your brand stands for and how to represent it? Each interaction your team have should be informed by your brand culture. Without that being clearly defined and explained to your team your customers will never hear the correct story.

  5. Does your brand strategy drive everything you do? This is arguably the most important point and without a strong strategy all of the above will be treading water. Once you map our your business strategy, you can verbalise your brand strategy, and this becomes the road map for all of your visual identity.

Eqco have decades of experience in all aspects of brand creation and management. Whether you want to revise your brand strategy, or just give your logo and brand assets a facelift we’re here to help. Get in touch and keep your brand relevant.

Eqco Creative

Eqco Creative offer insightful strategy, compelling ideas and crafted design. Based in Bangkok, working globally.

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